Library Access & Services

Access Policy

The Kresge Law Library is open to all faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the University of Detroit Mercy. As a selective Federal Depository Library, members of the public may use the library to access legal materials obtained through this program.

Public Access Rules

  • Members of the public may not access the library unless working on a legal project. Lounging and loitering are prohibited.
  • Members of the public may not access the study rooms or use the student computers.
  • Under no circumstances will members of the public be allowed to conduct business transactions or client meetings in the library.
  • Members of the public may not disrupt or interfere with the activities of our students.
  • The librarian on duty has the sole discretion in determining what activities are unacceptable.
  • Access to the library may be restricted at critical times of the year, such as during midterms and final exams. Restricted hours will be posted onsite.

Location & Parking

The law library is located at 651 East Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226. Visitors should use the Larned Street entrance. Metered parking is available.
